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What we do  / Assurance


Independent business change assurance and quality review services

Independent assurance for business change programmes is essential to ensure planned activities do not leave gaps in requirements or expectations and quality standards are built-in to design and delivery at every project lifecycle stage.


Change Assurance Framework


Marlowe’s business change assurance and quality review framework is modular and can be used to provide business change assurance effectively and efficiently at any individual project stage or applied to an entire programme or enterprise.


Our tools and techniques break down the complexities of business transformation and provide practical advice, guidance and prioritisation of issues in a focused report. Insights from this report are shared with clients in a workshop  to develop an action plan and measures to track performance improvements.


Our purpose is more than assurance. We are committed to educating about change, building knowledge, developing capability and change leadership in a context of real organisational challenges.

Achieving your change delivery objectives


We will work alongside your programme and internal audit team (if required) to identify key improvement areas and mitigate risks.  We will bring our deep and varied experience to share cross sector best practice.


Our assessment will focus on applying lessons learnt and sharing expertise so that your teams and leaders have the skills and knowledge they need to implement and sustain a best practice yet practical approach to change assurance. Each of our assessments are designed to work for the appropriate part of the project lifecycle – initiation, set up, design, delivery, deployment and transition. 

Sharing Knowledge

Transferring Skills

Developing Capability

to discuss how we can help you improve with your assurance requirements

Our approach to working with you


Marlowe’s experienced change assurance team will design and execute a ‘critical friend review’ to provide independent assessment, support and challenge to the governance and leadership team charged with oversight and successful delivery of business change programmes.

Step 1

Assurance Scope, Purpose and Methods

Define the scope, priority focus areas and critical ‘pain points’ in the programme, and review available strategic and programme documents, for example:


  • Change management and people implementation approach

  • Current and future change management needs of the programme

  • Current and future business change governance roles and levels of authority

  • Leadership, ownership, accountability and appetite for change

  • Behaviours and commitments needed to make a project successful

  • Management of change and people related risk

  • Agree and baseline key success factors/measures and identify constraints.

Next: Step 2 - Assessment and Quality Review

Related Insights 

We are expertly equipped to bring a wide range of perspectives to assurance work, ensuring comprehensive, forward looking and practical recommendations are delivered sensitively to leaders.

Please get in touch for more information.

Our change partnership services









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