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What we do  / Capability


Supporting you to build and embed change capability

Every successful organisation has a strong vision and strategy and knows from experience that delivering it is often a challenge. To achieve strategic goals, successful organisations need a planned approach to build, acquire and access core strategic capabilities.


Business change capability is essential to achieving strategy


Every successful organisation has a strong vision and strategy and knows from experience that delivering it is often a challenge. To achieve strategic goals, successful organisations need a planned approach to build, acquire and access core strategic capabilities.


A well-structured, planned approach to developing capabilities will enable organisations to access the right knowledge, experience and skills necessary to develop, deploy and embrace business change.


We achieve this by designing and building a practical change competency framework that delivers leadership, technical and specialist skills.  This provides organisations with a clear route map for the improvement of capability across the enterprise.


3P Capability Model.png

3 'P's of change management capability

A practical approach for sustainable results


Our four-step approach starts with a short, focused review of strategic priorities, leadership and governance, processes and roles to assess an organisation’s ability to change, and identify specific change management capability needs and competency gaps. An evaluation of change maturity will inform the next steps and resources required. 


Working with you our purpose is to establish a capability development plan that will deliver strategic change and achieve defined benefits and outcomes in the long term.  Upskilling leaders and employees in practical change management methods, tools and techniques ensures sustainable change capability improvement is embedded.

Upskilling our client partners through collaboration, co-creation and relevant learning opportunities is central to Marlowe’s approach.

to discuss how we can help you improve your change management capability 

Our expertise in change capability development

Building internal change capability means thoughtfully investing in your organisation's future and people to create an enterprise wide resource. This approach will enable a consistent and prioritised response to the delivery of change. Through a structured and co-ordinated process, we access specialist change management skills already present in the people working in your organisation.


In partnership with you, our team will work to integrate business change considerations into the planning and delivery of every initiative; building the capability of leaders to lead change, project managers to manage change, change practitioners to plan and implement change, line managers to guide people along a change journey and individuals to adapt to and grow through change.


We focus on three key areas to ensure the sustainable development of business change capability in an organisation; embedding and supporting these competencies and skills as people adjust to and settle into new roles, new responsibilities and new ways of working.


Competency – leaders and employees need to be equipped with the tools and skills to deliver change, and be motivated and prepared to develop specialist change management knowledge and experience.


Credibility – change capability development must be planned and deliver on a clear business and benefits case. Ownership and key improvement measures will evidence an organisation’s ability to manage and embrace change over time.


Confidence – coaching and mentoring in change management will support leaders who need to provide guidance, consistency and clearly set expectations and standards to which everyone will be held accountable.

Related Insights 

We blend first-hand experience of delivery within diverse, complex and challenging cultural environments, with accredited techniques and thought leadership.

Please get in touch for more information.

Our change partnership services









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