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Explore our work / Case study



Assuring complex programmes


About the client


The BBC is a world class public service broadcaster.


It provides impartiality and independence in its schedule, creating distinctive and informative programmes to inform, educate and entertain millions of people in the UK and across the globe.



Delivery timescale

Initial Audit - 2 weeks; Delivery - 6 months



Reduced Resistance


Accelerated Benefits

Do you have a change management challenge we can help with?

The challenge


The BBC launched a 3 year major spend digital programme launching new software, mobile devices and ways of working and were concerned about their approach to Change Management. 


How Marlowe helped


Marlowe Consulting was invited to conduct a full audit of all Change Management activity across all programme workstreams and to report back to the leadership team with findings and recommendations. Key findings included:

  • The need for appropriate Change Management approaches to be adopted

  • A review of the current change team status as well as size and skills

  • Quality of programme current vision work

  • Senior level communications, stakeholder engagement support

  • The need for wider programme understanding of change

  • Need to improve the quality of their understanding of business impacts and readiness




Following the audit report Marlowe was invited to provide practical delivery support for both Change Management activities and communications.


One subject matter expert was invited to remain with the programme in an advisory capacity to support not only the programme leadership but also the head of change offering feedback and coaching as required.


The programme concluded successfully and the change management skills were seen as valuable leading to the recruitment of full time staff.


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