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Explore our work / Case study



Building project delivery capability in the NHS

About the client


Health Education England (HEE) support the delivery of excellent healthcare and health improvement to the patients and public of England by ensuring that the workforce of today and tomorrow has the right numbers, skills, values and behaviours, at the right time and in the right place.



Delivery timescale

4 months


Capability CS icon.png

Improved Capability


Accelerated Benefits

Do you have a change management challenge we can help with?

The challenge


The NHS is experiencing extremely high levels of transformation and need to deliver change at a pace unprecedented within the organisation.


In Health Education England (HEE) the Health Heads of Project Profession developed a programme of work to improve the capacity and capability of project, programme and portfolio management and improve the delivery of change into the health and social care sector. HEE asked Marlowe for support to review and deliver a capability framework that would ensure a consistent, robust and accessible career pathway for professionals and practitioners aligned to professional standards.




Marlowe subject matter experts completed a mapping of the existing HEE competency framework and assessment against professional body standards which revealed significant gaps in change management, project leadership and people management and performance.   Marlowe developed a revised, comprehensive competency framework that also reduced the overall number of competencies making it simpler, easy to use and more accessible.  Existing role profiles and role/job descriptions were reviewed to ensure alignment to the new framework. We collaborated with internal teams to define and develop e-learning modules and a self-assessment approach for all defined capability levels.



  • A dedicated NHS HEE Project Delivery Competency Framework to support and develop project professionals for the NHS and improve delivery of projects.

  • A practical, robust approach that supports the embedding of organisation-wide Project and Change Management capabilities through consistent, practical skills and knowledge within a framework of clear roles, balanced job descriptions and competencies.

  • Early and sustainable adoption of new tools and learning opportunities that support career development and professional accreditation pathways for the Association of Project Management (APM) and the Change Management Institute.

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