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Explore our work / Case study



Culture change preparation and planning


About the client


The Home Office is the lead government department for immigration and passports, drugs policy, crime, fire, counter-terrorism and police.​



Delivery timescale

6 months


Capability CS icon.png

Improved Capability


Accelerated Benefits

Do you have a change management challenge we can help with?

The challenge


A Directorate at the Home Office had gone through an extensive programme of transformation with further significant organisational, digital and process driven transformation ahead. With this level of transformation underway, coupled with delivering operational business as usual and managing other challenges such as EU Exit, it was an exacting time for the Directorate.


To ensure that the Directorate continued to fulfil its mandate and meet these challenges it was vital that the culture adapted and was led by champions at all levels.


How Marlowe helped

Marlowe Consulting Culture Change subject matter experts developed a plan to define the vision, mission and team purpose as well as a plan to define and embed new behaviours and cultures across the Directorate. Based upon a series of interventions at senior and middle levels, the culture change plan provided a path to break down siloes and enable the team to support and lead change.  Interventions included 1:1 leadership coaching, team effectiveness activity, leading change training and goal-setting.



The Directorate emerged with a clear vision and mission that had been co-developed by their top forty leaders, resulting in understanding and buy-in across the team. Leaders had a clearer knowledge of the skills and behaviours needed to support their staff through difficult changes and felt better able to embed change within their teams. The senior leadership team came together with a clear purpose and action plan to guide the transformation and work closely together to achieve their vision.




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