Explore our work / Case study

Bespoke training for senior leaders

About the client

The Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) is the government’s centre of expertise for infrastructure and major projects and is the centre of the Government Project Delivery function. One of the key strategic function objectives is to develop capacity and capability in all government departments.

Delivery timescale
2 months

Improved Capability

Accelerated Benefits
Do you have a change management challenge we can help with?
The challenge
Government Project Delivery Function needs the right people with the right skills on projects at the right time. The Cabinet Office’s Infrastructure and Projects Authority wanted two bespoke training courses that would supplement their existing offer for their two externally accredited flagship project leadership development programmes - the Major Projects Leadership Academy (MPLA) and the Project Leadership Programme (PLP).
The IPA approached Marlowe to develop Transformation Electives for training senior project delivery professionals to have the expertise, behaviours and experience required to lead large scale transformation.
Marlowe completed the following:
A pre elective development gathering of cross government input and opinions to inform elective direction and content.
Development of the elective objectives, structure, flow, content, materials and attendee outcomes.
The delivery of the elective itself within the UK
All work was completed in collaboration with the IPA PLP and MPLA course owners and, in addition, the IPA Transformation Peer Group secretariat, so that the elective was informed by an in-depth understanding of government transformation requirements.
Marlowe ran pilots of the electives. The close partnership working with the IPA meant that the bespoke training offering was honed into a repeatable and value adding elective. This can be used for all future and alumni delegates offering insights and best practice into delivering transformation projects and programmes.
The electives success is further evidenced by the fact that the PLP course was adopted by other government academy organisations such as the Ministry of Justice Academy and is also part of the offer under the Government International Services (GIS) where the course is offered to other external governments globally.
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