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What we do  / Culture


Supporting you to lead and deliver culture change

Specific, targeted and practical support is essential to develop and implement a culture change approach that will guide delivery teams, senior leaders and colleagues to embed culture and change management capabilities.


Organisational culture is the key to organisational excellence


Culture is made up of many different, intertwined factors. These are reflected in the way an organisation is run and in the assumptions and beliefs that drive behaviour within an organisation. Culture can stall or block strategies and  initiatives that conflict with the established way of doing things or that don’t ‘fit’ with existing behaviours.


Specific, targeted and practical support is essential to develop and implement a culture change approach that will guide delivery teams, senior leaders and colleagues to embed culture and change management capabilities throughout their organisations. We do this by the consistent, practical application of specialist skills and knowledge within a framework of values, competencies and behaviours that directly support the achievement of your strategic goals and objectives.


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Sharing Knowledge

Transferring Skills

Developing Capability

to discuss how we can help you lead and deliver culture change

Our approach to working with you


Our approach spans four key areas of support, starting with a short early “Discover” phase.  This involves an assessment of the cultural landscape by reviewing existing material on your future vision, strategic priorities, structures, systems and sources of aggregated employee information (e.g. employee surveys). We use these insights to identify cultural change factors creating conflict or incongruity that need to be resolved and to inform the development of a culture change roadmap.


Our purpose is to establish a tried-and-tested approach that supports organisations to continue to adapt and refine their own culture and enable them to achieve defined strategic outcomes in the long term.

Upskilling our client partners through collaboration, co-creation and relevant learning opportunities is central to Marlowe’s approach.

We focus on the desired outcomes in three key areas to ensure the sustainability of cultural changes beyond implementation and to embed and support these changes as people adjust to and settle into new roles, new responsibilities and new ways of working.


People – need to be equipped with the tools and capability to deliver, be motivated and ready to adopt new work practices and work styles, develop new skills and behaviours.


Performance – needs to be sustained during transition and measurably improving over time, focusing on strategic outcomes and delivering quantifiable benefits to your organisations


Principles – need to provide guidance and consistency, clearly set expectations and standards/norms to which leaders, teams and employees will be held accountable.

Related Insights 

We blend first-hand experience of delivery within diverse, complex and challenging cultural environments, with accredited techniques and thought leadership.

Please get in touch for more information.

Our change partnership services









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