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Sustainability Report
June 2024

About Marlowe Consulting


Marlowe Consulting operates as an organisation guided by strong values whose purpose is to deliver growth with passionat approach, creating a future where everyone can have a better quality of life through the cultivation of new skills, investment, and opportunity. The company promotes, influences, trains, explores and advises to deliver maximum benefit for the communities in which we work.


We are committed to contributing to a sustainable and inclusive society, continually striving to enhance our positive impact. As part of our dedication, we are actively participating in the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), have achieved Ecovadis ratings, and are engaged with the CDP (Carbon Discloure Project). Our focus is on maintaining and, wherever possible, increasing the Social Value we create in the communities we serve, both as an employer and a provider of consultancy services.



Sustainability highlights


Over the past year, we have concentrated on two pivotal aspects of sustainability: environmental (carbon footprint) and people. Marlowe has developed a comprehensive Sustainability, Social Value and Environmental policy serving as a robust framework for realising the organisation’s commitment to maintaining, and where possible, enhancing, the Social Value it creates in the communities it works within, both as an employer and a consultancy service provider. The Senior Leadership Team is finalising a strategy to implement this policy during the next 12 months.



Focus Area 1 - Environmental


While many of our clients' staff have been encouraged to return to their offices, Marlowe Consulting's staff continues to work remotely, fostering well-being and reducing our carbon footprint.


Some of our 2023 highlights include:


  • Remote working and business travel – The staff and consultants work remotely and minimise their travel to client sites, reducing the commuting-related carbon footprint. The Senior Leadership Team are implementing a process to measure carbon emissions and will focus on further reducing the company’s carbon footprint by investigating opportunities to reduce emissions across the business (heating and cooling), travel and in the supply chain.

  • Paperless office – The implementation of cloud-based systems and document management minimises the need for physical infrastructure and paper usage. Document management includes using electronic signatures to remove the use of paper in back office functions.    

  • Carbon Footprint – To help offset the company’s carbon footprint, Marlowe Consulting has continued with it’s corporate member of the Woodland Trust. The Woodland Trust create, protect, and restore the woods and native trees in the UK for the benefit of nature, climate, and people through their tree planting initiatives.


Focus Area 1 - People


Marlowe Consulting Limited is a values-based organisation aimed at fostering growth with passion, striving to create a future where everyone for improved quality of life through new skills development, investment, and opportunity. The company place a strong emphasis on investing in our clients and consultants, and the wider community where possible.


Health and Wellbeing – Marlowe’s primary focus continues to be the health and well-being of it’s people and clients. The teams facilitate most of the client projects via remote working, with only occasional face-to-face meetings. When travelling or meeting cleint’s or collagues face-to-face, the company strongly encourages consultants to follow Government, local and client company policy guidance regarding health and safety matters.  


The Marlowe leadership team have regular check-ins with the consultants to ensure mental well-being. Teams hold regular town hall meetings where the staff and consultants have the opportunity to raise issues and ask questions.


Social Value – Marlowe’s senior leadership team work collaboratively with internal and 3rd party entities to develop comprehensive Social Value policies. These include:


  • An Anti-bribery and Corruption Policy

  • A Modern Slavery Policy

  • Updated Health and Safety Policies to include Remote Working

  • Promoted Health and Safety for Working at Home

  • Schedule regular one-to-one welfare calls with staff and consultants

  • Introduced flexible working

  • Trained staff in cyber security for working at home

  • Supporting local charities and contributing to food banks


During 2023 they also introduced the following policies to further develop the commitment to social values and deliver a safe and secure working environment for employees and consultants:

  • Employee Code of Conduct

  • Equal Opportunities Policy


Marlowe continues to participate in the Kent University employability scheme supporting underprivileged students and has offered intern placements for students and young people. The Senior leadership team provide advice and guidance to students with CV writing and university applications.


Our Policy


Our Sustainability, Social Value, and Environmental Policy are subject to regular annual reviews, ensuring adherence by all employees, associates, contractors, and third parties. This policy is aligned with our shared organisational values. All employees, associates, contractors, and third parties are responsible for ensuring that this Policy is adhered to following the organisation’s shared values and pursuing ethical practices for sustained success. These include:


  • Make a positive difference.

  • Stronger together. Empower people.

  • Do the right thing and build on success.



Our Sustainability, Social Value and Environmental Policy
September 2023




Marlowe Consulting Ltd is a values-based organisation whose purpose is to deliver growth with passion; creating a future where everyone has the chance of a better quality of life through new skills, investment, and opportunity. Marlowe Consulting Ltd’s staff promote, influence, train, explore and advise to deliver maximum benefit for the communities in which we work.


This policy provides an effective framework for realising the organisation’s commitment to maintaining and where possible, enhancing the Social Value it creates in the communities it works within, both as an employer and a provider of consultancy services.





Social Value has a legislative underpinning in most of the UK with the introduction of The Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012, which imposes an obligation on all public sector bodies to consider social Value in the procurement of goods, services and works. Through a consistent management approach, setting appropriate strategic objectives and embedding relevant measures of performance, Marlowe Consulting Ltd ensures that all employees, associates, and contractors prioritise Social Value outcomes as an essential element in procured projects and commissions.





Our commitment to creating an inclusive and sustainable society is embedded in every aspect of our operations. Social Value is therefore intrinsic to everything Marlowe Consulting Ltd does. For this reason, the organisation manages Social Value through a suite of interdependent policies and procedures which collectively deliver the objectives.


This policy applies to all Marlowe Consulting’s employees, associates, contractors and third parties who undertake activity for and on the organisation’s behalf. The policy applies to the procurement of goods and services, direct operations, and the services Marlowe Consulting Ltd provides to its clients.





All stakeholders associated with Marlowe Consulting Ltd are accountable for upholding this Policy in accordance with our shared values, emphasising the following:


  • Making a positive difference.

  • Being stronger together. Empowerment of people.

  • Doing the right thing and building on success.


As referenced, some activities within the scope of this Policy are covered by additional dedicated policies and procedures to ensure that Marlowe Consulting's Social Value objectives are delivered.





Marlowe Consulting Ltd specialises in business change management and collaborates with organisations to deliver large scale, complex transformation, and change. The organisation’s focus is on the client’s people to ensure change is delivered practically, successfully, and sustainably.


Marlowe Consulting Ltd is dedicated to fostering a more sustainable society and continually enhancing its positive impacts. We are committed to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and the CDP. Marlowe Consulting Ltd recognises the significant contribution it can make to increasing Social Value through its direct impact during collaboration and the delivery of its consultancy services. The impact can be categorised in terms of four key areas:


1. Supply Chain and Goods and Services


Marlowe Consulting Ltd uses its purchasing power to support, influence and secure social Value from suppliers, and the organisation asks suppliers how they can support the key Social Value objectives, namely:


  • Support local employments and economic sustainability.

  • Promote equity and fairness, elevating the living standards of local residents.

  • Foster community participation and engagement.

  • Enhance the sustainability of the voluntary and community sectors.

  • Uphold environmental sustainability.


2. Our Environmental Impact


Marlowe Consulting Ltd has identified the key aspects where it has a negative impact on the environment, namely: heating and cooling, travel to clients, IT and paper. A policy is in place to manage and reduce these impacts.


By committing to the SBTi initiative, Marlowe Consulting Ltd will demonstrate its dedication to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by setting and reporting emissions reduction targets and progress, enabling stakeholders to track and assess the company's climate action performance.


3. Our Organisational Development


Marlowe Consulting Ltd apprenticeship and traineeship policy is to ensure roles are designed such that the broadest possible opportunities are provided to people from the community. Marlowe Consulting Ltd is taking part in the Kent University employability scheme and have offering intern placements for students and young people. On joining the company, staff are mentored and supported by other team members and the senior management during their employment at the organisation.


4. Our Support for Our Local Communities


In addition, Marlowe Consulting Ltd can make a positive difference through the services it provides by ensuring continual reviews of how to make improvements to the Social Value created in the communities it supports.


This includes supporting:


  • people to enter or return to the labour market after periods of exclusion.

  • people to realise their potential in higher paid roles by increasing their skills.

  • businesses to grow and connect with their communities while reducing environmental impact.

  • businesses to grow and develop creating good jobs.

  • businesses to buy locally wherever possible.

  • the development and retain their staff in fulfilling roles.

  • employers to recruit staff from local or excluded communities.


In order for Marlowe Consulting Ltd to realise these commitments, the Senior Management Team are regularly reviewing the organisation’s Social Values. These reviews feed into the planning processes and ultimately the Business Plan. The review process brings together relevant work streams from HR, marketing and communications, employee consultation, organisational development, and the senior leadership team.


To realise the organisation’s Social Value objectives, Marlowe Consulting Ltd recognises the need for and are committed to communicating these objectives to suppliers, potential and existing employees, customers, and wider stakeholders. This is achieved via the procurement and recruitment processes and existing communication channels including the Business Plan, web sites, team briefings, staff induction processes and stakeholder engagement. As part of the SBTi initiative, Marlowe Consulting Ltd will publish its annual carbon emissions.


This policy, along with its corresponding actions, undergoes annual reviews integrated into the business planning process, involving Marlowe Consulting's senior leadership and management teams.

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